четвъртък, 15 март 2012 г.

A letter to my twinflame - ENG

When you said I have to wait, I replied that couldn't wait even a day and left away. That made me waiting more than a thousand years to meet you again. Now my waiting is over, I finally realized that time does not exist. And now I see that my soul is whole again and there no more longing for your touch. I feel inside that our meeting is arranged above the measure of time and I need not to worry when we will meet. As if you are the only one for me, sooner or later, in this lifetime or in the next one – we are together. Our souls are dancing in the circle of the unconditional love and all is well. So many years I was crying and suffering as I was searching the world for you and never found you. Now I realized that once I find myself and start loving myself then our union will be possible. There is no place for dramas and broken hearts in this sacred love. That is the reason we both needed to overcome our lessons in life, our lessons in love. And once we are open to truly live the highest expression of love on Earth – we will meet. The moment will  be just the right one and no one needs to force it happen. So what I only hope now, my love, is you have found yourself and embraced yourself. When we meet and touch again will show you my best vision of love, of freedom. I know you will see me. I know even now you feel every word and every thought I have for you. As I have loved you through the space and time, for eons of time hidden in the sacred moments when each of us was dreaming about the other. I send you all my love, my love, and kiss you. See you soon.

1 коментар:

  1. Къде ли е сърцето, което копнее по мен... къде да го намеря за да утеша тоз копнеж, който разкъсва мен. Протягайки се вечно към теб, в света на любовта докосвам те, светкавици проблясват, слънца се раждат, нови светове се пораждат от извор любовен в космоса, безначален и безкраен. А липсващата връзка в материята, поражда не просто празнота, а вик на безкрайния потенциал, несътворяващ; Обратно на очакваното, свободното проявяване на собствения женски принцип поражда огромна липса към външната женственост; Чувство мое за покълване , без зърно, сърце туптящо в прегръдката ми, липсващо...
    А може би заради това не трябва...
